From the Principal's Desk
P23Q Community,
I am beyond excited to begin the 2024/2025 school year. The 2024/2025 academic year, like others, holds so much promise. If past performance is an indication of future performance, our entire school community will capitalize on the time we have the privilege of working with our students. We are committed to the positive outcomes for our students in the areas of their academics as well as the social emotional learning. To this end our Comprehensive Education Plan Goals are as follows:
School CEP Goals:
By June 2025, 100% of K through grade 5 teachers will implement schoolwide instruction as guided by literacy curricula (i.e., HMH, Heggerty, Fundations, Readtopia Go), curriculum maps, pacing calendars, and school-created unit and class-specific lesson plans.
By June, 2025, physical and mental wellness for Students with Disabilities (SWD) will improve, by a 10% Increase or an average increase of one writing level (from 60 to 80), per the school-wide created writing rubrics, MAP Growth scores, and PBIS Level Tracker.
By June 2025, 90% of students continuously enrolled in grades 3 through 8 in IEP-driven units will improve their math skills by one grade level from school year 23/24 to 24/25 as measured by IXL and MAP Growth.
By June 2025, 95% of students continuously enrolled in grades Kindergarten through grade eight in IEP-driven units will be programmed for a CDOS course aligned with the CDOS standards with an emphasis on Life skills as measured by STARS.
By June 2025, 95% of students continuously enrolled in grades nine through 12 in IEP driven units will participate in workshops, programs, and other hands-on activities intended to provide access to careers and vocational opportunities.
By June 2025, P23Q parent participation will garner a 10% increase in responses to NYC school survey from baseline as measured by the NYC School survey as well as parent participation across all school-based workshops, activities, and events.
By June 2025, the Chronic Absenteeism Rate for Students with Disabilities (SWD) will decrease by 10%, from 55% to 49%, as measured by the Insight Chronic Absenteeism Reports.
I am happy to share that this year marks a momentous change in our school’s history. Our community has opened a new building (kindergarten to grade five) in western Queens. We are happy to have our new students and look forward to supporting them to meet and exceed their IEP goals and other milestones. Moreover, we look forward to building and strengthening our relationships with parents; without you, there is no us. Please check your emails, phones (text messages via Remind app), and your children’s bags for communications coming from our school.
Dr. Jude A. Arthur, Principal
Blackberry: 718-316-1570
What are MegaSkills?
Mega Skills implementation is a school-wide initiative intended to support the P23Q Social Emotional Learning and Writing goal.
Culturally Responsive and Affirming Mantra
The Mega Skills framework is designed to build character in action by incorporating social emotional learning alongside cultural diversity which supports students to become independent lifelong learners. Mega Skills will bridge the connection between the home and school, by encouraging high expectations for all students through different genres and resources as they demonstrate the skills they have acquired within a culturally responsive educational model.
Mega Skills Literacy Goal
Students' access to literacy increases through direct explicit instruction, incorporating Mega Skills teaching, modern literacy thinking and best practices reflective of all the literacy shifts, ex. (vocabulary practice, oral and guided reading, writing instruction, and social-emotional learning) by giving students more opportunities for creativity, higher order thinking and self-reflection.